Do you believe the Arts should be included in children's education? Ninety (90%) percent of people recently polled* think…Yes!
We heartily agree: include the arts in education. We've been doing that for >40 years. We're here to help.
If drama education is not included in your local schools, get your educators involved. Our website was created to make drama materials accessible to classroom teachers that do not have a drama educator on staff. It is also there to support drama educators who seek additional materials that connect across the curriculum. Having students learn through dramatization of content is our goal…and it brings one more art form into the schools.
The brain sees patterns and builds on what it knows to form new thoughts and ideas. Noted neuropsychology experts Caine and Caine** talk about how the brain likes to make connections and search for meaning. Integration among subjects is not a time waster but a necessity for brain based learning.
The addition of drama as an instructional strategy, as well as honoring it as an academic subject, deepens student understanding and increases student retention in a shorter amount of time than you normally spend. Integrating Drama accelerates learning.
* Education Week blog, March 2016
**Making Connections: Teaching and the Human Brain, Renate N. Caine and Geoffrey Caine (1991,1994)